Client Events
We love spending time with our clients and the people they care about. Many of our events focus on educating people in an approachable and valuable way. In addition to educational events, we love spending time with our clients through charitable events that help our community.
Upcoming Events
Join us for one (or all!) of our upcoming events. Have an idea for a fun event? Let us know! RSVP to [email protected]
Concealed Carry Permit
August 9 at 9:00 A.M.
Roger Judd, certified by the NRA, will present a class where you can receive your Concealed Weapon Permit.
Medicare & Social Security Seminar
October 9 at 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M
Bruce Eisenhauer, a Financial Advisor, will present information regarding the basics of Social Security, collecting it, and how to maximize your Social Security.
Travel – Cruising
November 14 at 10:00 A.M.
Taylor Forsberg, a travel agent, will help us understand how a travel agent can help get a good deal on cruises and how they can help vs doing it on your own.
Feed the Homeless – The Andre House
December 5 at 9:00 A.M.
This will be our 6th annual Feed the Homeless event where we will be making 300 lunch bag meals to help feed the homeless and deliver them to the Andre House who ministers to the homeless and poor populations in the Phoenix area.
The charitable entities and/or fundraising opportunities described herein are not endorsed by, or affiliated with, Cetera Advisor Networks LLC or CWM, LLC. Our philanthropic interests are personal to us and are not reviewed, sponsored, or approved by Cetera Advisor Networks LLC or CWM, LLC.
Past Events
Cuddle Bags for Children
JULY 2024
This was our fourth year with CUDDLE BAGS for OCJ Kids. We are grateful to our “FAMILY” here at Meikle Financial Group, especially the generosity of our clients. We fill 48 knapsacks for foster children that include a toy, stuffed animal, blanket, hygiene products, a reuseable water bottle, blanket, coloring book, crayons and snacks. These are used for when a child is removed from their home, so they have items to take with them to their next adventure. OUR CLIENTS ARE AWESOME!!!
Volunteer Opportunity at Westside Food Bank
Do you know that volunteerism is on the decline in the United States? Help us buck the trend as we spend the morning volunteering at the Westside Food Bank. We’ll sort food, fill orders and help out however we can.
Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention
February 2024
Scams and fraud attempts are on the rise. Join Financial Advisor Dail Meikle, CFP®, CEPA® for a review on best practices for safety against email scams and fraud.
Box Gardening
April 2024
Learn all about the hot trend of box gardens from Bruce Eisenhauer, Financial Advisor, & Lorene Eisenhauer, who have successfully created and maintained box gardens for years. Get valuable advice and ask your questions with two seasoned box gardeners.