9 Year-End Planning Tips from a Wealth Planner
By Mark N. Petersen, CPA, CFP®, CP, Affluent Wealth Planning The holidays are upon us! That must mean it’s time to roll up my sleeves and get to work on year-end financial planning – with an emphasis on 2023 income tax. One consideration this year is that we’re two years from the expiration …
6 Planning Opportunities for 401(k)s in Light of the SECURE Act
By the very name, the SECURE Act – or Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act – is designed to enhance retirement savings. There are several provisions in the new law to help accomplish this goal.
What Is Your Number?
Published by Mark Petersen, CPA, CFP® “What is your number?” is a question one frequently hears in the financial services industry. It may refer to many different things, depending upon the company with whom one is working. At Carson Wealth Management Group, your number refers to your Famil …
Millennial vs. Boomer: Deciding the Big One
Published by Mark Petersen & Alexis Rauschkolb No! Even though Alexis Rauschkolb works in Carson Wealth’s San Francisco Bay Area office, we are not debating the next big earthquake in California. Carson Wealth Management spends a lot of time thinking about “Next Generation” …
Potential Impact of the Trump Tax Proposals
Published by Mark Petersen and the Carson Group Partners Investment Committee Every new administration in Washington D.C. has an agenda which results from the November election results. Candidates have talking points on the campaign trail. The winner believes that he or she has a ‘mandate’ …
Uncertainty and Change
Published By: Mark Petersen | LinkedIn We live in a world of uncertainty! On November 8, 2016 most Americans thought they knew who the President-Elect would be. After all, we were informed by pollsters leading up to the Presidential election who was leading and the probable outcome. Many we …
Planning for the Millennial Generation
Published by Mark Petersen, Vice President of Affluent Wealth Planning The Millennial generation (“Millennials”) is changing the world. In my world, that means Financial Planning will evolve and Planners will adapt to meet people’s changing needs. One must then ask, “How will financial plan …
Time, Talent and Treasure; Giving Thanks!
Published by Mark Petersen I saw a report on the morning news about how an iPhone changed the life of a boy with Spina Bifida. Typing into the phone he is able to communicate his thoughts for the first time. This coming on the heels of the Second Terrorist attack in Paris, France in less …
Are You Focused on the Right Things?
Published by Mark Petersen There are many people who rely upon themselves to do many tasks. In talking with them, one common refrain is, “No one will pay more attention to my stuff than I will.” The question then becomes, “Are you paying attention to the right things and/or are you consulti …
Retirement Funding: More than a 401k Account
Published by Mark Petersen People have many different ways of saving for retirement. One may utilize pre-tax or post tax savings, invest in appreciating assets or collectibles or even allocate money to assets which may simply maintain their value over time.