Cuddle Bag Project

Cuddle Bag Project for OCJ Kids was a Success!   With your help we were able to make 40 Cuddle Bags for children who are being placed in foster care.   Thank you!   Our goal next year is to make 60 Cuddle Bags in July. 15 Bags for toddler girls 15 Bags for toddler …

How to Practice Gratitude, Even After a Difficult Year

When the lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic began, time seemed to stand still. Yet here we are at the beginning of the holiday season. So many people have lost their jobs, been forced to work at home, and felt isolated. Children have tried to home school, go back to school, divide be …

How a Parable Helped Me Better Guide My Clients

How different are you from your best friend? How about your sibling? Coworker? People are unique, that’s what makes the world fun. People have different life journeys, different likes, different laughs.

3 Price Tags Commonly Over-looked in the Cost of RV Living

A lot of people are working virtually, their kids are attending school virtually, everything seems to be going virtual. If our world is becoming more and more virtual, why not use this opportunity to travel?

How Traveling to Alaska Helped Give Me the Perspective I Needed During the Pandemic

I recently took a short trip to Alaska with my wife to visit our son who just returned from a 13-month deployment. He was able to take time off but was not allowed to leave the state.

How to Make Charitable Giving Part of Your Financial Plan

COVID-19 caused an economic shockwave that we’ll feel for a long time. Nonprofits, from large global networks to the local churches, have been hit hard, too. In a recent survey of 110 nonprofits, 80% of them said revenue had fallen across the board.

Finding the Calm in Chaos

To say that this has been a weird year would obviously be an understatement. Our normal may never return to the pre-pandemic “normal” that we enjoyed but we are seeing signs of coming out the other side of this craziness. This pandemic has allowed me an ample amount of time to reflect on our lives.

Teaching Kids about Money from Childhood Through Adulthood

Teaching kids about money is especially complex – you aren’t just passing on a few bucks to go to the movies, but an array of attitudes, values and assumptions regardless of whether you mean to. Your kids watch, in a way not even they are aware of, how you interact with finance and how you …

Finding the Good During the COVID-19 Pandemic and a Market Downturn

Having mentors that can help you through life is incredibly important. It doesn’t even have to be someone that you ever meet. We have access to what I call “virtual mentors.” These are people we are able to follow and learn from through blogs, social media or podcasts that we might never me …

Financial Advice for Millennials, from a Millennial

There are a few specific challenges, and therefore specific solutions, that I see millennials facing. Let’s imagine a conversation I might have with this hypothetical 20- or 30-something, and look at some financial advice for millennials. 

How to Create a Healthy Relationship With Money in 6 Steps

When thinking about money – do you feel stressed, tense, controlling, confused, like you have an abundance of it or a lack thereof? If you relate to any of these questions, you have an unhealthy relationship with your money.

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